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- Parent Category: Mod's
Aluminium Enteloxieren
Wie man die meist Farbige Oberfläche entfernen kann ohne mechanische Bearbeitung.
Die Eloxalschicht auf dem Aluminium wird mit NaOH (Natonlauge) entfernt, dafür eignet sich Drano oder Mellerud Rohrreiniger.
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- Parent Category: Mod's
Arduino RAM Overflow
heavy coding and with just another variable or after some seconds serial transmitting nothing works as used?
Could happen that you ran out of RAM, more special the SRAM as its called on the ATmega´s.
Lets digg into it and look how to get it sorted!
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- Parent Category: Mod's
TypK to RGB Led
this little circuit reads a Typ K Thermocouple and indicates the Temperature with an RGB LED.
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Elektronic's Article Count: 27
Mods aus dem Bereich Elektronik
Technik Article Count: 24
Technikrelevante Dinge die sonst nirgends passen
Auto Article Count: 17
Mods rund ums Auto
Arduino Article Count: 25
Alles rund um Arduinos
RC Article Count: 2
Mods rund um Ferngesteuertes!