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- Hauptkategorie: Mod's
Chili cold smoked
Done with a soldering iron and some maple wood on the grill
Click on the Picture or on the read more link for more information!
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- Hauptkategorie: Mod's
Arduino Battery Tester
a small project to test 1S Lipo batterys used in micro Helicopters with the help of a Arduino.
An Arduino shield with mosfets switches big load resistors until the Lipo is drained,
and transmitts the current voltage over the USB Port to the PC.
Sourcecode, Diagramms and more after the break!
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- Hauptkategorie: Mod's
Selfmade Video Dolly
dont we all want to make things like this?
In Action:
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- Hauptkategorie: Mod's
LED Lampe für Pflanzen
Um den Chilis genügend Licht zu geben habe ich eine LED Lampe gebaut, die günstige und vorallem effektive Alternative zur Pflanzenlampe!
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- Hauptkategorie: Mod's
show the Oil temperature directly after start in your VW Golf 3:
The VR6 Engine is very picky with its oil temps, so every drivers first steps after starting the engine is hittin the MFA switch 5 times to see the oil temp in the so called "MFA-Display".
Why not make this automaticaly?
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